Our Team of Rebels, Misfits, and Software Liberators.

Jana Schmid

Marketing Director
Minneapolis, MN

About Jana Schmid
Jana has been working in the marketing profession for over 15 years. She joined the CodeWeavers marketing department in 2010 and has earned oddities such as the Margaritaville Tahiti Frozen Concoction Maker and a lifetime supply of sparkling water for her performance as Marketing Director. Contact Jana at jana@codeweavers.com and learn more about her professional accomplishments on LinkedIn.

Joined CodeWeavers: 2010, 2014

Favorite flavor of OS: macOS

Dream machine: Laundry folding machine

Favorite villain or rebel: Court of public opinion

Unpopular opinion you have: Salmon is gross

What’s a rule you always bend or break? Keeping my dog on a leash

Morning bird or night owl? Morning bird

What did you eat for breakfast? Cornflakes with blueberries

You can have an unlimited supply of one thing the rest of your life, what is it? Sunshine

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? On a yacht

Would you rather have invisibility or flight? Flight

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher

What is your favorite magical or mythological animal? Mermaid

What is your favorite sandwich? Cuban

Would you go with aliens if they beamed down from earth? Hell no!

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