Our Team of Rebels, Misfits, and Software Liberators.

Jeremy Newman

Director of IT
Minneapolis, MN

About Jeremy Newman
Newman has been the IT Director, Systems Administrator, and Webmaster for CodeWeavers since 2000. He is a Swiss Army Knife of tech. He custom builds servers and workstations. He also codes the website with PHP, JavaScript, and SQL. He also does graphic design, and video editing. Outside of the office he is a lifetime gamer and retro game collector. Learn more about his professional accomplishments on LinkedIn. Follow him on Twitter @laxdragon.

Just call me: Newman, or Laxdragon, or just Lax.

My job is to keep the chinchillas that power our custom-built servers fed. I also pretend to know how to code websites. When I get the chance I do graphic design and video editing. I am a lifetime gamer. I've been gaming since my little paws could pick up a joystick. I'm platform agnostic. I will use whatever platform that gets the job done, be it Linux, Mac, or even *gasp* Windows.

Joined CodeWeavers: October 20, 2000. (IN THE YEAR 2000!)

Favorite flavor of OS: Debian (on Servers) ... Ubuntu (on Desktop)

Favorite villain or rebel: Rocket Raccoon (love that angry furball)

Unpopular opinion you have: Everything has some value. Be it tangible things, or opinions. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An animator or artist at Disney. In my younger days I was a voracious cartoonist. I would draw for hours on end. Then computers and video games came along...

What are your favorite magical or mythological animals? Dragons, and Godzilla. Skreeonk!

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