Today feels incredibly weird. After fourteen lovely years here, today is my last day at CodeWeavers. I've accepted a senior management position at a non-profit up the street called College Possible , and I start next week. So this morning I sit in my now much emptier office, no artwork on the walls, most stuff already bagged up and taken home. I'm basically just waiting around for my goodbye lunch.
I've enjoyed the hell out of this place. CodeWeavers has always been like family to me--a slightly broken, dysfunctional family, of course, but all of them basically good-hearted, and really, really smart. I've worked in big companies before. I've dealt with the politics, the hidden agendas, the turf wars, the nonsense. I've had none of that here. This place has always been genuine. And it was fun for me for years and years. I've enjoyed making a product--something tangible that a customer could buy that would make their lives a little better in some way. I've enjoyed working at a place where being on the edge, or even slightly outrageous, was just fine. I've delighted in scheming up some of the silly marketing campaigns we've pulled off--The Lame Duck Challenge, the return of the Lame Duck, the cross-dressing campaign for CrossOver 11, our ridiculous Festivus videos. It's all been great fun. I'm really going to miss it.
So go forth, CodeWeavers! Go forth, oh family of slightly misfit toys! Go forth and continue your good-hearted, open-source work to make Windows compatible everywhere! And I shall go forth and do good things at my new gig, and learn new stuff, and make friends, and have fun I'm sure. But CodeWeavers will always be the best place I've ever worked.