Everyone knows the internet is the friendliest place on earth. Cue Rrrrrrpppppp.
Record scratch.
So when the honor of creating a WINE sticker for the Wine development community flew across my desk, you can imagine my pure delight. Cue Om shanti shanti om.
Not only was it decided that I would design the sticker (versus sending it to a graphic design shop), but it was also decided that I would wear these stickers on my sleeve and give the Wine Community, the CodeWeavers Community and anyone with a computer a vote as to which one they would like to represent the Wine Project.
Now you are probably wondering why I am whining (no pun intended), why I begged and pleaded and bribed the owner and CEO of CodeWeavers to hire a shop to do this work.
Here’s the deal. I have worked in Marketing for CodeWeavers for over 6 years. CodeWeavers is the biggest supporter of The Wine Project. The Marketing Department’s tactics and objectives are not just privately scrutinized by company insiders, they are also the most susceptible to consumer criticisms (although support might disagree). Marketing is a very public position, you make one measly error and you have your co-workers, your social universe and your fan boys throwing arrows at you. There is little to no room for error, and sometimes these errors or lapses in judgment yield unnecessarily harsh criticisms.
Imagine if you always had someone looking over your shoulder at your code. Especially a marketing person.
It’s hard to start a project when you know inevitably that the world wide web could potentially eat you and your talents alive. But I did start it and did finish it.
Please be kind, when you speak your mind.
Let us know which sticker you would like to see in production to support the Wine community. If you want to go a step further support the Wine community, you can do so by purchasing a life-time license of CrossOver or donating to the Wine Project directly.
Thank you for your support!
About Jana Schmid
Jana has been working in the marketing profession for over 15 years. She joined the CodeWeavers marketing department in 2010 and has earned oddities such as the Margaritaville Tahiti Frozen Concoction Maker and a lifetime supply of sparkling water for her performance as Marketing Director. Contact Jana at jana@codeweavers.com and learn more about her professional accomplishments on LinkedIn.