19087 dungeon-alchemist 0 5 0

Dungeon Alchemist

macOS 12 (Monterey)
CrossOver 22.0.0
Runs on Mac
Ever felt uninspired, technically challenged or just bored when creating your game maps? Dungeon Alchemist is AI-powered Fantasy Game Mapmaking Software that enables you to make high-quality content fast! Simply pick a theme, start drawing, and Dungeon Alchemist creates high-quality maps you can print, share, or use in your favourite Virtual Tabletop Application. It uses an AI algorithm to place walls, floors, objects and lighting, so you can focus on being creative.PICK A THEMEDungeon Alchemist comes jam-packed full of exciting and inspiring objects and settings. Start your mapmaking adventure by picking one of our themes.MAKE THE MAP OF YOUR DREAMSWith just a few clicks, Dungeon Alchemist will conjure a beautiful landscape that will inspire you and your players. You choose the theme of each room, and Dungeon Alchemist will do the rest. Don't like what you get? Just press the randomize button and Dungeon Alchemist's AI algorithm will generate ever new rooms for you.TWEAK UNTIL IT'S JUST RIGHTOnce the AI algorithm has done its job, you can tweak the map to your heart's content. Add, scale, remove and rotate objects, move doors, change floor tiles and so much more!

Mac Rating

Runs Great
Last Tested: 22.0.0 (1)

CrossOver Linux Rating

Last Tested: n/a

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Dungeon Alchemist Rating Breakdown

19087 dungeon-alchemist

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22.0.0 · macOS

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How to Install CrossOver to run Dungeon Alchemist

Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Mac walkthrough for specific steps. Once you have CrossOver installed and running you can come back to this page and click the Step 2 button, or follow the manual installation guide, to begin installing your Windows application.
Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Linux walkthrough for specific steps. Once you have CrossOver installed and running you can come back to this page and click the Step 2 button, or follow the manual installation guide, to begin installing your Windows application.
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