Software that allows user to download books to the Sony Portable Reader System (PRS-505).
Experience a whole new approach to reading with the eBook Library Software– your one-stop application for browsing, downloading, managing, and reading your favorite titles. Its integrated eBook Store features thousands of eBook titles including a wide variety of new releases, bestsellers, and your favorite classics. No waiting in line, no shipping time. Just download and read on your PC or transfer eBooks to the Reader Digital Book in seconds for reading on the go. With the eBook Library Software, you'll reinvent the way you read.
* Conveniently read in full-screen view (double-pane)
* Search your eBooks for words or phrases
* Adjust the text size while reading your eBooks (S, M, L)
* Set, delete, and jump to bookmarks
* Access the fully integrated eBook store1
* Easily and quickly transfer eBooks to the Reader Digital Book for reading on the go (manually or via auto-sync, via USB connection)
* Import personal documents, pictures, and audio2 to your eBook Library
* Create and organize your eBook collections
Mac Rating
Last Tested: n/a
CrossOver Linux Rating
Will Not Install
Last Tested: 9.1.0
Outdated Rating!
Please note: this rating is from several versions ago, and is considered inaccurate for the latest
versions of CrossOver.
This is a breakdown of ratings by CrossOver Version.
The most recent version is always used on the application overview page.
Click on a version to view ranks submitted to it. About the Rating System
The following is a list of BetterTesters who Advocate for this application. Do you want to be a BetterTester? Find out how!
Nobody is currently advocating this application. Now would be a good time to sign up.
How to Install CrossOver to run eBook Library 2.x
Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Mac walkthrough for specific steps. Once you have CrossOver installed and running you can come back to this page and click the Step 2 button, or follow the manual installation guide, to begin installing your Windows application.
Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Linux walkthrough for specific steps. Once you have CrossOver installed and running you can come back to this page and click the Step 2 button, or follow the manual installation guide, to begin installing your Windows application.
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