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Patching problem

Hey CXer's Im getting around to testing cross over on linux and Im coming up with a problem for City of Heroes where i launch it, The patcher begins and it gets to something like downloading file database, then it seems to skip and goes back to connecting #1 and restarts this process, never beginning to really download.

Has anyone seen this before? I haven't seen any threads detailing this and City is kindof a make or break for my picking up crossover..

Oh and I'm using the latest Crossover Games, but this occurred with Crossover aswell.

Thank you,

Haven't tested Cox in a while and I did recently just re-sub but I've not been near my pc in a long time. If I get near this weekend I'll try some testing and update.

Seems like it's a temporary problem, and not only in CX:

I'm getting the same problem (after having to restart the installation from scratch thanks to typical US/EU problems), I hope that thread is correct and it solves itself...

Update: Not really a cross-platform issue, as I've tried installing on a Windows partition and the setup goes well (although really slowly).
There seems to be a sockets problem:

Patching project: Coh   Install Dir:  C:\Program Files\City of Heroes         
checksumLoad returned 1
Checksumming Image
Verifying checksum                                                            
Checksum Verify failed   Checksumming:  0B/sec 0B/59.7M 17393:53:35 Remaining   , fresh install, requesting patch                                             
Handling full manifest                                                        
Fixing files: piggs/fonts.pigg0G 923886:35:58 Remaining      
Fixing files: piggs/geom.piggpigg:  297K/sec 19.9M/3.0G 3:01:43 Remaining       
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (16384!=32768)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (16384!=32768)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (32768!=65536)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (32768!=65536)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (65536!=131072)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (65536!=131072)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (131072!=262142)
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (131072!=262142)
Lost connection to server...
patchPig failed on C:\Program Files\City of Heroes/piggs/geom.pigg
Lost connection to server...
Connecting to : 6994...Remaining      
Patching project: Coh   Install Dir:  C:\Program Files\City of Heroes         
checksumLoad returned 1
Verifying checksum
Checksum Verify succeeded, requesting patch
Handling full manifest                                                        
Fixing files: piggs/geom.pigg.0G 918090:11:55 Remaining      
Error calling setsockopt, ending socket buffer size is not what we told it! (16384!=32768)
(... and this repeats until I quit)

Update 2:
I solved it by following the instructions here: , although I had to increase the 2nd number to 262144 for it to download geom.pigg correctly.

Hey all, I came back around and tried a few things, and got it to finish patching, so yay! Now it basically just closes when i click next and accept on the updater. Again, Im on linux and if there is a terminal way to go straight into game instead of the updater, or some other fix, please post? I got one step closer using just wine, I got the loading bar.. but it just hung. Help?

Daniel wrote:

Hey all, I came back around and tried a few things, and got it to
finish patching, so yay! Now it basically just closes when i click
next and accept on the updater. Again, Im on linux and if there is a
terminal way to go straight into game instead of the updater, or
some other fix, please post?

I don't think you can go directly into the game, as that could create problems if a patch has been released and you haven't downloaded it.

Daniel wrote:

I got one step closer using just wine, I got the loading bar.. but
it just hung. Help?

If your computer has more than one processor core, then the problem is that CoH tries to use two of them and that doesn't work under wine :(

The solution is to start CoH with the "-renderthread 0" flag. How to do that is a little complex because there's no easy way to edit .lnk files in Linux… Long story short, the way I got it working was to find the shell script that launches the game and add the flag there. For example, in my system I edited

~/.cxgames/City Of Heroes/desktopdata/cxmenu/StartMenu.C^5E3A^5Fusers^5Fcrossover^5FStart^2BMenu/Programs/City+of+Heroes

and changed

exec "/opt/cxgames/bin/wine" --bottle "City of Heroes" --check --wait-children --start "C:/users/crossover/Start Menu/Programs/City of Heroes/City of Heroes.lnk" "$@"


exec "/opt/cxgames/bin/wine" --bottle "City of Heroes" --check --wait-children --start "C:/users/crossover/Start Menu/Programs/City of Heroes/City of Heroes.lnk" -renderthread 0 "$@"

Maybe someone with more cxgames experience than I have knows a better way of adding a flag to a program launcher…

I'm playing CoH on cxgames now normally, with very good performance \o/

There is a general way to skip the updater, although doing so prevents you from logging in if there really is an update. Check on the CoH forums, I forget what it is, and they warn extensively that doing this WILL keep you from logging in if there was an update. So in general you really do want to run the updater.

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