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Ubuntu 10.4, Crossover 9.0.1 and Stunnel: Outlook 2007 with Google IMAP SSL does not work

I am running MS Office 2007/Outlook 2007 with Crossover 9.0.1 Standard on Ubuntu 10.4 in a 64-bit AMD machine.

I am using google to host my domain name and provide my eMail and shared calender, Google Apps.

I can not get my Outlook work with Google since installing on Ubuntu (Linux), there is an issue with SSL certificate not being recognised, though it works on Windows Vista and XP.

This ONLY affects Inbound mail. I can send by using my ISP's SMTP server, in this case Be There Now ( and that works fine. It's the inbound and I am also wondering about the calender too.

I have seen threads on "Stunnel" which I have followed religiously:;tips=1;mhl=36827;msg=36827#msg36827;mhl=44723;msg=36827#msg44723

This is the message I get:
Log onto incoming mail server (IMAP): General authentication failed. None of the authentication methods supported by your IMAP server (if any) are supported on this computer.

ERROR Message in Log:
2010.05.27 20:00:51 LOG5[34:35]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf
2010.05.27 20:00:52 LOG3[34:35]: Error resolving '': Neither nodename nor servname known (EAI_NONAME)
2010.05.27 20:00:52 LOG5[34:35]: Configuration successful
2010.05.27 20:00:52 LOG5[34:35]: No limit detected for the number of clients
2010.05.27 20:00:52 LOG5[34:35]: stunnel 4.33 on x86-pc-mingw32-gnu with OpenSSL 1.0.0 29 Mar 2010
2010.05.27 20:00:52 LOG5[34:35]: Threading:WIN32 SSL:ENGINE Sockets:SELECT,IPv6
2010.05.27 20:01:48 LOG5[34:37]: Service Gmail-IMAP accepted connection from
2010.05.27 20:02:48 LOG3[34:37]: SSL_accept: 140760FC: error:140760FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol
2010.05.27 20:02:48 LOG5[34:37]: Connection reset: 0 bytes sent to SSL, 0 bytes sent to socket

Outlook Settings are:
Incomming Server
Log on info: eMail address and PW
SPA ticked (also tried unticked too).
Advanced settings:
Incomming Server (IMAP) port: 143 (and have tried 3000, 3050, etc...).
Use the following encryption connection: NONE

This is my STUNNEL config:
; Sample stunnel configuration file by Michal Trojnara 2002-2006
; Some options used here may not be adequate for your particular configuration

; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode
; The default certificate is provided only for testing and should not
; be used in a production environment
cert = /etc/stunnel/mail.pem
;key = stunnel.pem

; Some performance tunings
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; Workaround for Eudora bug

; Authentication stuff
;verify = 2
; Don't forget to c_rehash CApath
;CApath = certs
; It's often easier to use CAfile
;CAfile = certs.pem
; Don't forget to c_rehash CRLpath
;CRLpath = crls
; Alternatively you can use CRLfile
;CRLfile = crls.pem

; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting
;debug = 7
;output = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log

; Use it for client mode
;client = yes

; Service-level configuration


;accept = 443
;connect = 80
;TIMEOUTclose = 0

; vim:ft=dosini

I have never had it work on Ubuntu (linux) using IMAP with SSL..... Before I used Stunnel, the error messages were that the certificate was not recognized. I then read about Stunnel and installed that, and now get a different error message, as above. It is important to me as I want to use Outlook, I do not like any of the Linux clients, so I want to revert back. The biggest issue is that the longer it takes the greater the problem as I have more data in different places.

Hi Don
In response to your requests in the previous thread.

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

As you'd no doubt appreciate, it's less than a doddle...given the
to actually recreate the conditions here myself, so if I'm going to
help I really need some feedback from yourself. Logical place to
start, is if you could grab me a debuglog of the event...see this

You'll see on that page the commandline param of ' --debugmsg=+seh
' ; I think I want to see a bit more than that first up. Change that
switch to include other channels... '
--debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet ' is a good place to start. Gzip
the resultant debuglog and hoist it to a free repo like rapidshare
or the like, and post the URL back here so I can grab it and have a
look at ehat the wine engine is up to when all this is happening.

I tried the suggestions to create a log file, but it failed. I am assuming I am doing something wrong:

I tried in the terminal to run both:
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log --cx-app Run stunnel.exe
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe

This is what I got in the terminal:
Attempt 1:
baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log --cx-app Run stunnel.exe
Product version=9.0.1
system encoding='UTF-8'
Running "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxgettext" --textdomain crossover --textdomaindir "/opt/cxoffice/share/locale" --encoding UTF-8 "Using the default (%s) bottle. "
-> rc=0 (took 0.00285196304321289 seconds)
output=[Using the default (%s) bottle.
3202: Grabbing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
3202: Got the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
Mode = 'private'
CX_ROOT = "/opt/cxoffice"
CX_BOTTLE = "winxp"
WINEPREFIX = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp"
CX_WINDOWS_VERSION = <undefined>
PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib"
WINEDLLPATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib/wine"
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = <undefined>
WINELOADER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader"
WINESERVER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineserver"
WINEDEBUG = <undefined>
CX_LOG = <undefined>
CX_DEBUGMSG = <undefined>
CX_WINE_USAGE_LOGFILE = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/usage.log"
DISPLAY = ":0.0"
3202: Releasing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader winewrapper.exe --run -- ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log /home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log --cx-app Run stunnel.exe

** Mon May 31 09:02:45 2010
Starting '/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader' 'winewrapper.exe' '--run' '--'
'----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet' '--cx-log' '/home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log' '--cx-app' 'Run' 'stunnel.exe'

winewrapper.exe:error: cannot execute L"----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log /home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log --cx-app Run stunnel.exe"

Attempt 2:
baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe
Product version=9.0.1
system encoding='UTF-8'
Running "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxgettext" --textdomain crossover --textdomaindir "/opt/cxoffice/share/locale" --encoding UTF-8 "Using the default (%s) bottle. "
-> rc=0 (took 0.00875997543334961 seconds)
output=[Using the default (%s) bottle.
3249: Grabbing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
3249: Got the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
Mode = 'private'
CX_ROOT = "/opt/cxoffice"
CX_BOTTLE = "winxp"
WINEPREFIX = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp"
CX_WINDOWS_VERSION = <undefined>
PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib"
WINEDLLPATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib/wine"
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = <undefined>
WINELOADER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader"
WINESERVER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineserver"
WINEDEBUG = <undefined>
CX_LOG = <undefined>
CX_DEBUGMSG = <undefined>
CX_WINE_USAGE_LOGFILE = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/usage.log"
DISPLAY = ":0.0"
3249: Releasing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader winewrapper.exe --run -- ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log /home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe

** Mon May 31 09:03:30 2010
Starting '/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader' 'winewrapper.exe' '--run' '--'
'----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet' '--cx-log' '/home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log' '--cx-app' 'Microsoft' 'Office' 'Outlook' '2007.exe'

winewrapper.exe:error: cannot execute L"----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log /home/baronipc/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe"

Jonathan Harrison wrote:

Hi Don
In response to your requests in the previous thread.


Attempt 1:
baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose
----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log
~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLStun.log --cx-app Run stunnel.exe


Attempt 2:
baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose
----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log
~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007.exe


Hi again,

Yeah, just a simple error in syntax...might pay to encapsulate some if it... above problem is 2 extra unneeded dashes to debugmsg;

/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose ----debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe

...should probably be...

/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose --debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe"

...perhaps you can abbreviate that to (I haven't tried it)...

/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose --debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Outlook

Let me know how you get on....


Hi Don
Thanks for that...

Option 1 did not work, BUT Option 2 opened Outlook, then did something, but not sure what!!! PS. Where is the log?

This is what was in the terminal:

Option 1:

baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose --debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/notepad-OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe"
Product version=9.0.1
system encoding='UTF-8'
Running "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxgettext" --textdomain crossover --textdomaindir "/opt/cxoffice/share/locale" --encoding UTF-8 "Using the default (%s) bottle. "
-> rc=0 (took 0.018449068069458 seconds)
output=[Using the default (%s) bottle.
2854: Grabbing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
2854: Got the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
Mode = 'private'
CX_ROOT = "/opt/cxoffice"
CX_BOTTLE = "winxp"
WINEPREFIX = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp"
CX_WINDOWS_VERSION = <undefined>
PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib"
WINEDLLPATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib/wine"
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = <undefined>
WINELOADER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader"
WINESERVER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineserver"
WINEDEBUG = "+seh,+ntdll,+wininet"
CX_LOG = <undefined>
CX_DEBUGMSG = "+seh,+ntdll,+wininet"
CX_WINE_USAGE_LOGFILE = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/usage.log"
DISPLAY = ":0.0"
2854: Releasing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
wine:error: could not find 'Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.exe' in '/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp/drive_c'. Is it installed?

Option 2:

baronipc@Baronipc:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --verbose --debugmsg=+seh,+ntdll,+wininet --cx-log ~/Desktop/OutlookIMAPSSLOutL.log --cx-app Outlook
Product version=9.0.1
system encoding='UTF-8'
Running "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxgettext" --textdomain crossover --textdomaindir "/opt/cxoffice/share/locale" --encoding UTF-8 "Using the default (%s) bottle. "
-> rc=0 (took 0.0136029720306396 seconds)
output=[Using the default (%s) bottle.
2963: Grabbing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
2963: Got the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
Mode = 'private'
CX_ROOT = "/opt/cxoffice"
CX_BOTTLE = "winxp"
WINEPREFIX = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp"
CX_WINDOWS_VERSION = <undefined>
PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib"
WINEDLLPATH = "/opt/cxoffice/lib/wine"
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL = <undefined>
WINELOADER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader"
WINESERVER = "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineserver"
WINEDEBUG = "+seh,+ntdll,+wininet"
CX_LOG = <undefined>
CX_DEBUGMSG = "+seh,+ntdll,+wininet"
CX_WINE_USAGE_LOGFILE = "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/usage.log"
DISPLAY = ":0.0"
2963: Releasing the '/tmp/.wine-1000/bottle-805-c1c63.lock' lock
Running "/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxavscan" "/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/OUTLOOK.EXE"

***** Mon May 31 18:13:14 2010
Starting: '/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxavscan' '/home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/OUTLOOK.EXE'

Found no anti-virus tool
-> rc=768 (took 0.062859058380127 seconds)
/opt/cxoffice/bin/wineloader winewrapper.exe --run -- /home/baronipc/.cxoffice/winxp/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/OUTLOOK.EXE


The log itself will/should be here (full linux path);


Keep me posted!....


It should be here.....
MD5: 570D68886E9318D5C27A9DACE7951DB8

Would be nice IF the Forum allowed attachments.


Hmm....nothing in the logfile immediately jumped out at me, and
your stunnel config does appear correct. It's a bit hard to point
the finger any which way here with stunnel piping the data - but
one assumes stunnel is more or less a transparent bridge, and so
I'm tending to believe at this stage that outlook is not doing
something it should be .....

I did find this thread over on the stunnel site; theory at least this all should work, but it's incredibly hard
to get a handle on without having outlook2007 myself (which is a bit
disappointing all told, because I could really give this a thorough
test against my local mailserver)..... would be possible to check if stunnel is working correctly or not; setup a linux native email client (take your pick for a test)
and configure it as aligned with your stunnel settings & what you're trying
to achieve with outlook --- if it works like this, then you can exclude stunnel
from your considerations ; if it doesn't work, more investigation of what
stunnel is doing (or not) would be in order...

...that would possibly be my next move here anyhow -- try to check/exclude the
stunnel setup isn't responsible for this -- if it's not, then the focus squarely
points back to outlook not behaving as it should....

...sorry I can't be of more help, but if you wish to check out the notions
above and get back to me, I don't mind tossing ideas up for you to try 8)


I am following this thread while I have the same issue.
Working fine with Exchange (work), needed to add Gmail/IMAP. Which does not work.

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