I've downloaded Crossover Games trial today and wanted to install and play games on Steam. The installation of Steam is the first problem. I've wanted to install the orange-box, but any time I choose "Steam from CD ( Orange Box )" from the installation-menu and select the CD-Drive, Crossover says that it cannot access the drive because of insufficient permissions. So I decided to install it via Download, which was successfully.
But now to the real problem. On the website I've read about Team Fortress 2, HL2 etc. to run on CO-Games. So I installed Lost coast to test it. Anytime I try to start it, it shows the loading-picture in fullscreen-mode like it should, but then it returns to Desktop. I've also tested it with Half Life 1, which runs without any problems but without sound ( could that be an problem with Pulseaudio? ).
Thx for any hint.
Moritz Hader
My System:
OS: OpenSuse 11/WindowsXP
PC: Dell Inspirion Notebook 9400
GPU: Geforce Go 7800
CPU: Intel Centrino Duo (2*1833 Mhz)