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Running Games with Optirun

I have an Asus U36SD Laptop with Nvidia GT520M discrete graphics. I am using Fedora 20 and have bumblebee working properly to switch graphic processing from the integrated Intel CPU chip to the Nvidia chip. I have installed and tested this as described here [link=][/link].

I have installed the latest version of Crossover Linux and used that to install StarCraft 2.
Running Starcraft from the Crossover menu works, but does not use the Nvidia graphics card.
Running Starcraft with optirun using the following command does not work. The command used and outputs are listed below.


optirun /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle StarCraft_II_Wings_of_Liberty --cx-app "StarCraft II.exe" >> /home/jeff/Desktop/starcraft-optirun.log


[jeff@localhost Desktop]$ 
[jeff@localhost Desktop]$ 
[jeff@localhost Desktop]$ optirun /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --bottle StarCraft_II_Wings_of_Liberty --cx-app "StarCraft II.exe" >> /home/jeff/Desktop/starcraft-optirun.log
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/pkcs11/ /usr/lib/pkcs11/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[jeff@localhost Desktop]$ ALSA lib dlmisc.c:252:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:252:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/
Connection statistics (times in milliseconds)
    latency = 0.000 ms
    bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec
    downloadUrlCount: 0
    downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

    connectionsCreated: 0
    connectionsClosed: 0
    requestsCreated: 0
    requestsClosed: 0

    parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

    readissued: 0
    readsync: 0
    readasync: 0
    readfail: 0
    readzero: 0
    readnonzero: 0
    readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000)
    readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

    readBytes: 0

[jeff@localhost Desktop]$ 


AgentMain start
Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/'
Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS'
Session Hash created: '724704184220836828'
Agent is running as Administrator.
Database Insert: /option
Database Insert: /agent
Database Insert: /
Database Insert: /version
Database Insert: /repair
Database Insert: /update
Database Insert: /game/s2_enus
Database Insert: /uninstall
Database Insert: /install
Database Insert: /gamesession
Database Insert: /agent/download
Database Insert: /backfill
Database Insert: /game
Database Insert: /createshortcut
Database Insert: /game/client
Database Insert: /spawned
Database Insert: /agent/download
Database Insert: /register
Post Request to
<version program="Agnt"><record program="Agnt" component="cdn" version="1" /><record program="Agnt" component="cfg" version="1" /><record program="Agnt" component="Win" version="2880" /><record program="Agnt" component="blob" version="1" /></version>
Queue Request for : handle - 0x00da8908, index - 0, running - 0
Queue Request for : handle - 0x050f5ec0, index - 1, running - 0
Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called.
Agent started on port #6881
Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.2880\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Update Agent"
AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.2880\Agent.exe'.
Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolution of 10000 and a start delay of 10000
Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent"
Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent"
Registered Event: "shutdown event"
Registered Event: "database flush event"
Registered Periodic Event: "network connection event" with a resolution of 60000 and a start delay of 0
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "network connection event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
Request Issued: GET /agent

Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "E8C0FF9E9A50A101D6AB9B3424523AD8"
Request Issued: GET /game

Response: 200
    "client" : {
        "link" : "/game/client"
    "s2_enus" : {
        "link" : "/game/s2_enus"
Request Issued: GET /agent

Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "E8C0FF9E9A50A101D6AB9B3424523AD8"
Request Issued: GET /game/client

Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Blizzard Launcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 2012.000000,
    "download_region" : "us",
    "install_dir" : "C:/users/Public/Application Data/",
    "opaque_product_specific" : {
        "ui" : "hots"
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "Clnt",
    "region" : "us",
    "supports_multibox" : true,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "uid_override" : "",
    "update_method" : "client update",
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "torrent_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000"
Request Issued: GET /game/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Support/SC2Switcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "display_locales" : [
    "download_region" : "uGIF89a\00\00\80\FF\00\FF\FF\FF\00\00\00,\00\00\00\00\00\00\00D\00;GIF89a\00\00\80\FF\00\FF\FF\FF\00\00\00,\00\00\00\00\00\00\00D\00;s",
    "expansion_level" : 2.000000,
    "install_dir" : "C:/Program Files/StarCraft II",
    "installed_locales" : [
    "launch_arguments" : [
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "S2",
    "region" : "us",
    "selected_asset_locale" : "enUS",
    "selected_locale" : "enUS",
    "supports_multibox" : false,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "update_method" : "patch on demand",
    "update_progress" : 1.000000,
    "update_regex" : "(?P<prefix>s2-update-(?P<dataset>\\w+))-(?P<build>\\d+)\\.mpq$",
    "use_sparse" : 0.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ",
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "E933A896130739FE569CCD9B0BD53179",
    "torrent_hash" : "9DCC7B7DCC7FF589B1C8C6CADA64475B"
Request Issued: POST /version
Database Insert: /version/client
Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/version/client"
Request Issued: POST /version
Database Insert: /version/s2_enus
Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/version/s2_enus"
Request Issued: GET /version/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 2012.000000,
    "build" : 2012.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true
Request Issued: POST /gamesession
    "uid" : "client",
    "launch_arguments" : [
        "--gamepath=C:\\Program Files\\StarCraft II",
Agent::Product::StartSession() - Begin Waiting
Agent::Product::StartSession() - End Waiting
New versioner created - client.
Post Request to
<version program="Clnt"><record program="Agnt" component="cdn" version="1" /><record program="Agnt" component="cfg" version="1" /><record program="Clnt" component="Win" version="2012" /><record program="Clnt" component="blob" version="1" /></version>
Queue Request for : handle - 0x05107970, index - 2, running - 0
Launched C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.exe as PID: 69 w/ --gamepath=C:\Program Files\StarCraft II
Queue Request for : handle - 0x05115788, index - 3, running - 0
Database Insert: /gamesession/client
Database Insert: /gamesession/client/1
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/gamesession/client"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession WorkThread: hasChild: true, pid 69, childPid 0.
Response: 200
New versioner created - s2_enus.
Post Request to
<version program="S2"><record program="Agnt" component="cdn" version="1" /><record program="S2" component="enUS" version="1" /><record program="S2" component="blob" version="1" /></version>
Queue Request for : handle - 0x0511e730, index - 4, running - 0
OnComplete: handle - 0x00da8908, result - 0, running - 5, request - found
Post Response:
<record program="Agnt" component="cdn">|
<record program="Agnt" component="Win">
OnComplete: handle - 0x05107970, result - 0, running - 4, request - found
Post Response:
<record program="Agnt" component="cdn">|
<record program="Clnt" component="Win">
<record program="Clnt" component="blob">;00000000000000000000000000000000;21194985089F993F9C0F641B198FEADC;0
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
OnComplete: handle - 0x050f5ec0, result - 0, running - 3, request - found
CheckChildPid: found child pid: 57 using path C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe.
OnComplete: handle - 0x05115788, result - 0, running - 2, request - found
OnComplete: handle - 0x0511e730, result - 0, running - 1, request - found
Post Response:
<record program="Agnt" component="cdn">|
<record program="S2" component="enUS">;9DCC7B7DCC7FF589B1C8C6CADA64475B;E933A896130739FE569CCD9B0BD53179;30315
<record program="S2" component="blob">;9E8A15E71D0F7DC8C3496AF2948F867A;0D3D48D093DB346BEEE0A2C22968D2F3;0
Verifying archive/loose file locality - s2_enus.
Queue Request for : handle - 0x050f5ec0, index - 5, running - 0
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Request Issued: GET /agent

Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "playable" : true,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "F43F8EFCCD78CCC62B71F06B42530F03"
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Request Issued: GET /agent

Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "playable" : true,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "066EEACAE06E81837F701FFD5179C40C"
Request Issued: GET /game/client

GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Blizzard Launcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 2012.000000,
    "download_region" : "us",
    "install_dir" : "C:/users/Public/Application Data/",
    "opaque_product_specific" : {
        "ui" : "hots"
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "Clnt",
    "region" : "us",
    "supports_multibox" : true,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "uid_override" : "",
    "update_method" : "client update",
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "operations" : [
            "gamesession" : "/gamesession/client"
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "torrent_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000"
Request Issued to non-existent Uri: GET - /game/s2_ptr_enus
Request Issued: GET /game/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Support/SC2Switcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "display_locales" : [
    "download_region" : "us",
    "expansion_level" : 2.000000,
    "install_dir" : "C:/Program Files/StarCraft II",
    "installed_locales" : [
    "launch_arguments" : [
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "S2",
    "region" : "us",
    "selected_asset_locale" : "enUS",
    "selected_locale" : "enUS",
    "supports_multibox" : false,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "update_method" : "patch on demand",
    "update_progress" : 1.000000,
    "update_regex" : "(?P<prefix>s2-update-(?P<dataset>\\w+))-(?P<build>\\d+)\\.mpq$",
    "use_sparse" : 0.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ",
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "E933A896130739FE569CCD9B0BD53179",
    "torrent_hash" : "9DCC7B7DCC7FF589B1C8C6CADA64475B"
Request Issued to non-existent Uri: GET - /install/s2_enus
Request Issued to non-existent Uri: GET - /update/s2_enus
Request Issued to non-existent Uri: GET - /gamesession/s2_enus
Request Issued to non-existent Uri: DELETE - /backfill/s2_enus
Request Issued: GET /agent

Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "playable" : true,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "066EEACAE06E81837F701FFD5179C40C"
Request Issued: POST /update
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Database Insert: /update/client
Queuing /update/client
Insert to Queue at HEAD
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Start Queued Task 'Update Clnt'
Handle Event: "database flush event"
Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/update/client",
    "result_uri" : "/game/client"
Checking permissions - client.
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: GET /update/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000
Updating uninstall information to newer format - client.
Force refreshing version information - client.
Post Request to
<version program="Clnt"><record program="Agnt" component="cdn" version="1" /><record program="Agnt" component="cfg" version="1" /><record program="Clnt" component="Win" version="2012" /><record program="Clnt" component="blob" version="1" /></version>
Queue Request for : handle - 0x05115788, index - 6, running - 0
Request Issued: GET /update/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000
Request Issued: GET /update/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000
OnComplete: handle - 0x050f5ec0, result - 0, running - 2, request - found
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: GET /update/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000
OnComplete: handle - 0x05115788, result - 0, running - 1, request - found
Post Response:
<record program="Agnt" component="cdn">|
<record program="Clnt" component="Win">
<record program="Clnt" component="blob">;00000000000000000000000000000000;21194985089F993F9C0F641B198FEADC;0
Removed HEAD item from Queue
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: GET /update/client

Response: 200
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "playable" : true,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true
Request Issued: GET /game/client

GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Blizzard Launcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 2012.000000,
    "download_region" : "us",
    "install_dir" : "C:/users/Public/Application Data/",
    "opaque_product_specific" : {
        "ui" : "hots"
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "Clnt",
    "region" : "us",
    "supports_multibox" : true,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "uid_override" : "",
    "update_method" : "client update",
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "operations" : [
            "gamesession" : "/gamesession/client"
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000",
    "torrent_hash" : "00000000000000000000000000000000"
Request Issued: POST /version

Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/version/s2_enus"
Request Issued: GET /version/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "build" : 30315.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ"
Request Issued: GET /version/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "build" : 30315.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ"
Verifying archive/loose file locality - s2_enus.
Queue Request for : handle - 0x05115788, index - 7, running - 0
Request Issued: GET /version/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "build" : 30315.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ"
Request Issued: GET /version/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "state" : 1007.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "build" : 30315.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ"
OnComplete: handle - 0x05115788, result - 0, running - 1, request - found
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: GET /version/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "local_version" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "build" : 30315.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ"
Request Issued: POST /gamesession
Agent::Product::StartSession() - Begin Waiting
Agent::Product::StartSession() - End Waiting
Launched C:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Support/SC2Switcher.exe as PID: 46 w/ -launch
GameSession WorkThread: hasChild: true, pid 46, childPid 0.
Queue Request for : handle - 0x05118100, index - 8, running - 0
Database Insert: /gamesession/s2_enus
Database Insert: /gamesession/s2_enus/1
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Handle Event: "database flush event"
Response: 200
    "response_uri" : "/gamesession/s2_enus"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: DELETE /update/client
Remove - invalid operation - from Queue
Database Remove: /update/client
Response: 200
Remove - invalid operation - from Queue
Queue 'async_task' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource completed
Request Issued: GET /gamesession/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "1" : {
        "pid" : 46.000000,
        "pid_path" : "",
        "launch_path" : "C:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Support/SC2Switcher.exe"
OnComplete: handle - 0x05118100, result - 0, running - 1, request - found
CheckChildPid: found child pid: 74 using path C:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Versions/Base28667/SC2.exe.
Firing Event: "database flush event"
Request Issued: GET /agent

Handle Event: "database flush event"
Response: 200
    "update" : {},
    "install" : {},
    "backfill" : {},
    "pid" : 51.000000,
    "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000",
    "state" : 1004.000000,
    "playable" : true,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "version" : "",
    "type" : "retail",
    "opt_in_feedback" : false,
    "session" : "724704184220836828",
    "authorization" : "CD1582DC9FD0028A4AF07FB908162AAA"
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe'. The paths match. Pid is running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Request Issued: GET /game/s2_enus

Response: 200
    "binary_launch_path" : "Support/SC2Switcher.exe",
    "current_version" : 30315.000000,
    "display_locales" : [
    "download_region" : "us",
    "expansion_level" : 2.000000,
    "install_dir" : "C:/Program Files/StarCraft II",
    "installed_locales" : [
    "launch_arguments" : [
    "patch_url" : "",
    "patch_url_beta" : "",
    "playable" : true,
    "product" : "S2",
    "region" : "us",
    "selected_asset_locale" : "enUS",
    "selected_locale" : "enUS",
    "supports_multibox" : false,
    "supports_offline" : true,
    "switcher" : true,
    "update_method" : "patch on demand",
    "update_progress" : 1.000000,
    "update_regex" : "(?P<prefix>s2-update-(?P<dataset>\\w+))-(?P<build>\\d+)\\.mpq$",
    "use_sparse" : 0.000000,
    "patch_application_complete" : true,
    "download_complete" : true,
    "background_download_available" : false,
    "perform_ogg_to_wav" : false,
    "loose_file_patching_complete" : true,
    "baseline" : "Updates/s2-24621-24621-Win-swarm-rebase.MPQ",
    "operations" : [
            "gamesession" : "/gamesession/s2_enus"
    "local_version" : "",
    "needs_rebase" : false,
    "config_url" : "",
    "mfil_hash" : "E933A896130739FE569CCD9B0BD53179",
    "torrent_hash" : "9DCC7B7DCC7FF589B1C8C6CADA64475B"
Handle Event: "auth validation event"
Handle Event: "auth validation event"
Registered Periodic Event: "shutdown event" with a resolution of 10000 and a start delay of 10000
Handle Event: "shutdown event"
Handle Event: "auth validation event"
Agent is shutting down
Firing Event: "database flush event"
GameSession: Pid (74) path search, looking for: 'C:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Versions/Base28667/SC2.exe', found ''. The paths do not match. Pid is not running from install folder (C:/Program Files/StarCraft II)
GameSession: Pid (57) path search, looking for: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Launcher.2012/Blizzard Launcher.exe', found ''. The paths do not match. Pid is not running from install folder (C:/users/Public/Application Data/
Database Remove: /option
Database Remove: /gamesession/client
Database Remove: /gamesession/client/1
Queue 'default' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'default' Resource
Database Remove: /version/s2_enus
Database Remove: /agent
Deferred delete of 'default' Resource completed
Queue 'download' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'download' Resource
Database Remove: /version/client
Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed
Database Remove: /
Database Remove: /register
Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource
Database Remove: /game
Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed
Database Remove: /game/client
Queue 'game' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'game' Resource
Deferred delete of 'game' Resource completed
Database Remove: /game/s2_enus
Queue 'game' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'game' Resource
Deferred delete of 'game' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource
Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed
Database Remove: /repair
Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource
Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed
Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource
Database Remove: /gamesession
Queue 'composite' Resource for delete
Database Remove: /gamesession/s2_enus
Database Remove: /gamesession/s2_enus/1
Queue 'default' Resource for delete
Queue 'composite' Resource for delete
Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'composite' Resource
Database Remove: /backfill
Deferred delete of 'composite' Resource completed
Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'default' Resource
Database Remove: /spawned
Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'default' Resource completed
Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'composite' Resource
Database Remove: /version
Deferred delete of 'composite' Resource completed
Queue 'async_task' Resource for delete
Queue 'async_task' Resource for delete
Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource
Database Remove: /update
Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed
Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource
Database Remove: /createshortcut
Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed
Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource
Database Remove: /uninstall
Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed
Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource
Database Remove: /install
Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed
Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource
Queue 'root' Resource for delete
Database Remove: /agent/download
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource completed
Queue 'download' Resource for delete
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource
Deferred delete of 'async_task' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource
Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource
Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource
Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource
Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource
Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'root' Resource
Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed
Deferred delete of 'download' Resource
Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed
Queue Request for : handle - 0x050f5e58, index - 9, running - 0
Deleting remaining resources
OnComplete: handle - 0x050f5e58, result - 0, running - 1, request - found
Cleanup: total requests process - 10

I can't see anything suspicious in your output. Does glxgears work with optirun? Do native Linux games work?

Yes, glxgears works properly and shows the correct graphics card when using optirun. The game seems to crash at this point:

From the log above-

Handle Event: "auth validation event" 
Handle Event: "auth validation event" 
Registered Periodic Event: "shutdown event" with a resolution of 10000 and a start delay of 10000 
Handle Event: "shutdown event" 
Handle Event: "auth validation event" 
Agent is shutting down 

I am not sure if this helps try to use primesrun instead. See if that works. Not familiar with Fedora enough.

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