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Doom 2016

With the new update to Wine 6.0 and Vulcan enhancements I really hoped the Doom 2016 bottle would work for crossover. I've tried a ton of different things, including telling steam to run it natively in Vulkan. (+r_renderapi 1 and Winetricks -q mfc140) But nothing seems to work. See below for crash log, hopefully it's something easy to do, after all, this is a 5 year old game now.

Running launcher: DOOM (StartMenu.C^3A_users_crossover_Start+Menu/Programs/Steam/DOOM.url)
Command-line options: winetricks -q mfc140
Bottle: DOOM (2016)
Debug channels:
Extra environment variables (null)

macOS Version 10.16 (Build 21A559)
Install location: /Applications/
Mac Locale: en_US

CXConfig->read(/Users/midean/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/CrossOver.conf)
8354: Grabbing the '/var/folders/tp/s1vr7yqj4c76fpzvbykd7rv40000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-1000010-cc0d89.lock' lock
8354: Got the '/var/folders/tp/s1vr7yqj4c76fpzvbykd7rv40000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-1000010-cc0d89.lock' lock
CXConfig->read(/Users/midean/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/DOOM (2016)/cxbottle.conf)
8354: Releasing the '/var/folders/tp/s1vr7yqj4c76fpzvbykd7rv40000gn/T//.wine-501/bottle-1000010-cc0d89.lock' lock
Bottle environment variables:
CX_BOTTLE_CREATOR_APPID -> com.codeweavers.c4.14453
CXRWConfig->new(/Users/midean/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/DOOM (2016)/cxmenu.conf)
'/Users/midean/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/DOOM (2016)/cxmenu.conf' not modified -> no need to save
Starting 'StartMenu.C^3A_users_crossover_Start+Menu/Programs/Steam/DOOM.url'
system encoding='UTF-8'
Exec-ing '"/Applications/" --bottle "DOOM (2016)" --check --wait-children --start "C:/users/crossover/Start Menu/Programs/Steam/DOOM.url" --cx-log - winetricks -q mfc140'
0a1c:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0a24:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
0a2c:fixme:process:ProcessIdToSessionId Unsupported for other process 47c
0a2c:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetProcessTerminationMethod FFFFFFFA, 0032FEAC

Might need to throw in the other error log as well, see if anyone smarter than me can make sense of it.

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000038 in 64-bit code (0x0000000140dd8f0e).
Register dump:
rip:0000000140dd8f0e rsp:00000000056de710 rbp:000000014569b088 eflags:00000202 ( - -- I - - - )
rax:0000000000000000 rbx:00000000056df530 rcx:0000000145845a20 rdx:00000000056de6e4
rsi:0000000000000000 rdi:0000000145845a20 r8:0000000019999999 r9:0000000000000008 r10:000000014016ca08
r11:00000000056da530 r12:00000000056de8c0 r13:00000000056df530 r14:00000000056efea0 r15:00000000056df530
Stack dump:
0x00000000056de710: 00000000056df530 000000014569b088
0x00000000056de720: 0000000145845a20 00000000056de8c0
0x00000000056de730: 0000000005967460 00000001402bf495
0x00000000056de740: 00000000056df530 0000000000000133
0x00000000056de750: 0000000000000002 000000007bc7001c
0x00000000056de760: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x00000000056de770: fffffffffffffffe 000000014569b088
0x00000000056de780: 0000000000000001 000000014278b270
0x00000000056de790: 0000000000000000 00000000056de7a4
0x00000000056de7a0: 0000000080000014 0000000000000000
0x00000000056de7b0: 0000000000000000 00005974f92a04d3
0x00000000056de7c0: 00000000056dea90 000000007b013c1d
=>0 0x0000000140dd8f0e EntryPoint+0xece1bbfe() in doomx64vk (0x000000014569b088)
1 0x00000001402bf495 EntryPoint+0xec302184() in doomx64vk (0x000000014569b088)
2 0x000000007b013c1d EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in kernelbase (0x00000000056efea0)
3 0x000000007bc29012 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x00000000056efea0)
4 0x000000007bc6895c EntryPoint+0xbb() in ntdll (0x00000000056efea0)
5 0x000000007bc5a6ef EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x00000000056efea0)
6 0x000000007bc5aa3e EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x000000007bc78330)
7 0x000000007bc589f8 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x00000000056df5d0)
8 0x000000006cbaea27 wine_vkWaitForFences+0xb6() in winevulkan (0x00000000056df6e0)
9 0x0000000140ddcde3 EntryPoint+0xece1fad2() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056ebb50)
10 0x0000000140ddd82f EntryPoint+0xece2051e() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056ebb50)
11 0x00000001402ca10d EntryPoint+0xec30cdfc() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056ebb50)
12 0x0000000141ed0eb4 EntryPoint+0xedf13ba3() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056ebb50)
13 0x0000000141e99a70 EntryPoint+0xededc75f() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056dfa10)
14 0x0000000141e96f20 EntryPoint+0xeded9c0f() in doomx64vk (0x00000000056dfa10)
15 0x000000007bc58acd EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x00000000056dfa10)
0x0000000140dd8f0e EntryPoint+0xece1bbfe in doomx64vk: movq 0x0000000000000038(%rax),%rbx
Module Address Debug info Name (93 modules)
ELF 1000- a000 Deferred <wine-loader>
PE 340000- 3fa000 Deferred winmm
PE 400000- 48e000 Deferred msvcrt
PE 490000- 4bb000 Deferred sechost
PE 4c0000- 579000 Deferred ucrtbase
PE 580000- 6fe000 Deferred gdi32
PE 700000- 780000 Deferred setupapi
PE 780000- 790000 Deferred wsock32
PE 790000- 8a9000 Deferred ole32
PE 8b0000- 903000 Deferred combase
PE 910000- 929000 Deferred imm32
PE 930000- 974000 Deferred winhttp
PE 980000- 98f000 Deferred vulkan-1
PE 990000- 99b000 Deferred msimg32
PE 9a0000- 9d0000 Deferred uxtheme
PE 9d0000- a57000 Deferred gdiplus
PE 1290000- 146d000 Deferred gameoverlayrenderer64
PE 1470000- 1478000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0
PE 1480000- 1487000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1
PE 28b0000- 297d000 Deferred crypt32
PE 2980000- 298f000 Deferred imagehlp
PE 2990000- 299d000 Deferred mswsock
PE 29a0000- 29a7000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0
PE bd50000- bd58000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1
PE beb0000- beb8000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-1
PE 3b400000- 3b43f000 Deferred steam_api64
PE 61540000- 6157f000 Deferred advapi32
PE 62980000- 62988000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1
PE 62dc0000- 62e46000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 63280000- 6328e000 Deferred version
PE 635c0000- 6361a000 Deferred oleacc
PE 639c0000- 639d9000 Deferred shcore
PE 64840000- 64895000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 64cc0000- 64df2000 Deferred oleaut32
PE 64fc0000- 64fde000 Deferred xinput1_3
PE 66040000- 66056000 Deferred bcrypt
PE 67600000- 67607000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0
PE 67640000- 6764b000 Deferred psapi
PE 67d40000- 67dbc000 Deferred wineps
PE 67e80000- 67ea0000 Deferred jsproxy
PE 68000000- 68009000 Deferred wineloader64
PE 680a4000- 680ac000 Deferred libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF 68200000- 682a6000 Deferred
ELF 6a600000- 6a61e000 Deferred
ELF 6a692000- 6a6b0000 Deferred
ELF 6a724000- 6a73d000 Deferred
ELF 6a73d000- 6a76f000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
-PE 6a740000- 6a768000 \ iphlpapi
PE 6a76f000- 6a7a5000 Deferred libcxpng16.16.dylib
ELF 6c800000- 6c827000 Deferred
ELF 6c827000- 6c869000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
-PE 6c830000- 6c861000 \ ws2_32
ELF 6c869000- 6c8c3000 Deferred dinput8<elf>
-PE 6c870000- 6c8bb000 \ dinput8
PE 6c943000- 6c95b000 Deferred libobjc-trampolines.dylib
ELF 6c96f000- 6c98f000 Deferred
ELF 6c98f000- 6c9aa000 Deferred
ELF 6c9aa000- 6c9c4000 Deferred kerberos<elf>
-PE 6c9b0000- 6c9bf000 \ kerberos
PE 6ca40000- 6cb82000 Deferred comctl32
ELF 6cb82000- 6cbdb000 Stabs winevulkan<elf>
-PE 6cb90000- 6cbd2000 \ winevulkan
ELF 6cbdb000- 6cc01000 Deferred dnsapi<elf>
-PE 6cbe0000- 6cbfb000 \ dnsapi
ELF 6cc8c000- 6ccd5000 Deferred winspool<elf>
-PE 6cc90000- 6cccd000 \ winspool
PE 6cd79000- 6ce0c000 Deferred libcxfreetype.6.dylib
ELF 6cf79000- 6d02f000 Deferred winemac<elf>
-PE 6cf80000- 6d01b000 \ winemac
ELF 6d02f000- 6d065000 Deferred netapi32<elf>
-PE 6d030000- 6d05e000 \ netapi32
ELF 6d200000- 6d241000 Deferred secur32<elf>
-PE 6d210000- 6d23a000 \ secur32
ELF 6d302000- 6dcfe000 Deferred shell32<elf>
-PE 6d310000- 6dcde000 \ shell32
PE 6eb00000- 6ed25000 Deferred user32
PE 6f30e000- 6f391000 Deferred libgmp.10.dylib
PE 6f880000- 6f8ed000 Deferred dbghelp
PE 6f8ed000- 6fafa000 Deferred libgnutls.30.dylib
PE 6fd80000- 6fd87000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1
PE 7b000000- 7b0d4000 Export kernelbase
PE 7b600000- 7b812000 Deferred kernel32
PE 7bc00000- 7bc9e000 Export ntdll
PE 7d400000- 7d409000 Deferred wine64-preloader
PE 7d409000- 7d951000 Deferred libmoltenvk.dylib
PE 138000000- 1394e1000 Deferred steamclient64
PE 13f000000- 13f177000 Deferred tier0_s64
PE 13f600000- 13f681000 Deferred vstdlib_s64
PE 140000000- 153fe8000 Export doomx64vk
PE 180000000- 180064000 Deferred bink2w64
PE 7ff80a71c000- 7ff80a754000 Deferred libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE 7ff80a753000- 7ff80a75f000 Deferred libsystem_pthread.dylib
PE 7ff80a76b000- 7ff80a777000 Deferred libsystem_platform.dylib
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000030 services.exe
00000034 0
00000038 0
00000068 0
0000009c 0
000003a4 0
00000044 explorer.exe
00000048 0
0000004c 0
00000060 winedevice.exe
00000064 0
00000070 0
00000074 0
00000078 0
000004b0 0
00000094 winedevice.exe
00000098 0
000000a0 0
000000a4 0
000000a8 0
000000ac 0
000000b0 0
0000039c rpcss.exe
000003a0 0
000003ac 0
000003b0 0
000003b4 0
000003b8 0
00000694 0
0000047c steam.exe
00000480 0
00000484 0
0000048c 0
00000498 0
000004c4 0
000004e0 0
000004e4 0
000004f8 2
000004fc 0
00000500 2
00000508 0
00000514 0
00000548 0
00000560 0
00000568 0
00000584 0
00000588 0
00000594 0
00000598 0
000005a8 0
000005ac 0
000005d0 0
000005d8 0
000005e4 0
000005e8 0
0000069c 0
000006cc 0
000006d0 0
000007bc 0
000007e4 0
00000808 0
0000012c 0
00000130 0
0000031c 0
00000318 0
00000454 0
00000580 0
00000490 steamwebhelper.exe
00000494 0
000004ac 0
000004cc 0
000004d0 0
000004dc 0
000004f0 0
0000050c 0
00000510 0
00000518 0
0000051c 0
00000520 0
0000052c 0
00000530 0
00000538 0
0000053c 1
00000540 0
00000544 0
00000550 0
00000554 -2
00000558 0
0000055c 0
00000564 0
0000056c -2
00000570 0
00000574 0
00000578 -2
0000059c 0
000005a0 0
000005a4 1
000005f4 0
000005f8 0
000005fc 0
00000604 0
00000618 0
0000061c 0
00000620 0
00000624 0
000006bc 0
000006c0 0
000006d4 0
000006d8 0
000002f4 0
000003d0 -2
00000610 steamwebhelper.exe
00000614 0
00000630 0
00000634 0
0000063c -2
00000640 0
00000644 0
00000648 0
00000650 0
00000654 0
00000658 0
00000770 0
00000794 0
00000628 steamwebhelper.exe
0000062c 1
00000668 0
0000066c 0
00000670 0
00000678 -2
0000067c 1
00000680 0
00000684 0
00000688 0
0000068c 1
00000690 0
000006a0 0
000006a4 0
000006a8 0
000006ac 0
000006b0 -2
0000014c 0
000003e8 0
000006c4 steamwebhelper.exe
000006c8 0
000006ec 0
000006f0 0
000006f4 0
000006fc -2
00000700 1
00000704 0
00000708 0
0000070c 0
00000710 1
00000714 0
00000718 0
0000071c 0
00000720 0
00000724 0
00000728 -2
00000848 0
00000054 winemenubuilder.exe
00000050 0
00000084 winemenubuilder.exe
00000080 0
00000218 steamwebhelper.exe
00000220 0
0000022c 0
000001fc 0
00000208 0
00000230 -2
00000204 1
000003c0 0
00000414 0
000002ec 0
000002e8 1
0000030c 0
0000010c 0
0000024c 0
00000250 0
00000260 0
000001c8 -2
00000b8c 0
00000444 0
0000058c 0
00000464 0
000005b4 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DOOM\DOOMx64vk.exe
00000698 0
000003a8 0 <==
0000045c 2
000005bc 2
000007d8 2
000007c8 2
000007a4 2
000004e8 2
000006b8 2
000005c4 2
000007d0 2
000005e0 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-6.0-9510-g8700de06498
Platform: x86_64
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 21.1.0

You can't just add winetricks into a command that's passed onto wine and expect it to work, winetricks can't use CrossOver wine binary.

Yeah, I tried it without it. Then since there is no documentation with crossover and winetricks I threw it in for the hell of it to see what would happen. Same error. Any ideas on how to get it running?

Firstly, I usually recommend to only use Win 10, 64-Bit bottles, Win 7 is not really necessary. And since this is a game from 2016, Win 7 is completely obsolete. I'm also not sure if this is a 32-Bit bottle. Just in case, this looks like it will need a 64-Bit bottle.

I found out that some games I tried would crash when running in Win 7 bottles, so I always recommend using Win 10, 64-Bit bottles.

I also recommend not to install too much stuff into these bottles, as most modern games (i.e. stuff from the 2010's) will install what they need themselves. Start with a fresh Win 10, 64-Bit bottle and install the game straight into it. No other stuff added. Then go on from there.

Bryan A Bowers wrote:

Yeah, I tried it without it. Then since there is no documentation
with crossover and winetricks I threw it in for the hell of it to
see what would happen. Same error. Any ideas on how to get it

The thing is I really don’t see anything useful in your output that would indicate the actual issue.

CrossOver doesn’t make use of winetricks but it’s own list of crossties, if a specific dll is required the the needed runtime would need to be installed that contains it.

Andreas Weik wrote:

Firstly, I usually recommend to only use Win 10, 64-Bit bottles, Win
7 is not really necessary. And since this is a game from 2016, Win 7
is completely obsolete. I'm also not sure if this is a 32-Bit
bottle. Just in case, this looks like it will need a 64-Bit bottle.

I found out that some games I tried would crash when running in Win
7 bottles, so I always recommend using Win 10, 64-Bit bottles.

I also recommend not to install too much stuff into these bottles,
as most modern games (i.e. stuff from the 2010's) will install what
they need themselves. Start with a fresh Win 10, 64-Bit bottle and
install the game straight into it. No other stuff added. Then go on
from there.

Windows 7 is the default as that’s what wine mostly supports in upstream, Windows 10 has very minimal support so when an API isn’t implemented some software will simply skip it or use another code path (usually Windows 7 APIs)

The bottle is Windows 7 64Bit you can see this from the “ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DOOM\DOOMx64vk.exe” from the crash dump, “\ Program Files (x86)” only exits in Windows 64 as part of the wow64 (Windows on Windows 64)

I do agree it’s not worth installing additional things into a bottle unless a native version is needed (d3d/vcrun/.Net).

Even when an application/game does installed the provided runtimes it doesn’t always mean wine will use them if wine provides its own copy.

That doesn’t count the lack of codecs as CrossOver is compiled without gstreamer nor is that even shipped (32on64 doesn’t even support gstreamer currently). That’s ignoring others like mpg123 etc.


It was windows 7 bottle due to that being the default bottle when choosing Doom 2016 from the install a windows application. Not sure why it would be on the games list still if it doesn't work, I was just trying all the work arounds some google searches brought up. I have tried to get this to run in winery with custom bottles as well with no luck on apple silicon. I just hoped that a commercial product with custom code would have a solution.

Ah, if it's an M1 Mac you're probably out of luck. There's simply a lot of work to be done before modern games will be playable through CrossOver. That's at least my experience. YMMV.


I didn't know that. I was just going by what I experienced, and that was that Win 7 usually had issues, whereas Win 10 didn't. Not sure, why. I'll try Win 7, 64-Bit bottles from now on and see how it goes.

Thanks for the advice.

Bryan A Bowers wrote:

It was windows 7 bottle due to that being the default bottle when
choosing Doom 2016 from the install a windows application. Not sure
why it would be on the games list still if it doesn't work, I was
just trying all the work arounds some google searches brought up.

According to the app page here “Doom 2016” is listed as 2 starts meaning it will install but not run that’s the rating for Linux not just macOS this is shown within CrossOvers GUI, it’s lightly this tile need something else to function (maybe mfplat?) like a lack of some Vulkan feature(s) within MoltenVK.

Bryan A Bowers wrote:

I have tried to get this to run in winery with custom bottles as
well with no luck on apple silicon. I just hoped that a commercial
product with custom code would have a solution.

If a game doesn’t even start up in CrossOver it usually won’t in Wineskin etc ether.

Hi folks,

It's a known issue that DOOM (2016) won't run on macOS. The game defaults to OpenGL 4.2, which Metal doesn't support. It is possible to switch to Vulkan by setting "+r_renderapi 1" in Steam launch options, but that also doesn't work due to known - but not resolved - issues in MoltenVK :/ Right now, there's nothing to be done for this game.


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