I'm using CrossOver Games on my Mac for a while now, and while I'm overall quite content, I would like to see some changes or new options in future versions. There are some – not too grave – things that bug me and that certainly also apply to CrossOver Office.
Every new bottle has the habit to create the folders "My Music", "My Pictures", "My Videos" and – in some cases – "My Games" in my Documents folder. This is rather unnecessary, since actual counterparts in MacOS X's home folders exist: ~/Music, ~/Pictures and ~/Movies. While it is possible to redirect the CO folders to the MacOS X folders with winecfg, it would be nicer and more elegant, if the appropriate paths would be set by default.
CrossOver Mac creates new bottles by default in ~/Application Support/CrossOver. This is certainly convenient, but in some cases it would be nice to have the bottle somewhere else, for instance when a game takes up several GB of hard disc space and there's not too much space left on the Mac's main partition or hard drive. I noticed that every bottle seems to be a rather self-consistent Wine installation and appears to have its own Wine configuration variables, like WINEPATH. I assume that it would be rather easy to implement the option to let the user set these paths, which would allow for more flexibility regarding the place of installation. I know that it is possible to work-around this by using hardlinks and stuff, but why not make it a bit more user friendly?
Support for USB devices. Pleeeeaaaase!