- Full-Screen isn't really full-screen because the menu bar and
title bar aren't hidden.
CrossOver presents a set of resolutions to the Windows program. One of these is "special" and represents the non-full-screen mode -- its dimensions are those of your native desktop resolution minus the menu bar. If a Windows program chooses that resolution, CrossOver does not go into full-screen mode. However, there should also be an available resolution which is the full size of your primary display (without subtracting the menu bar). If you tell the game to use that resolution (or any resolution other than the special one), then CrossOver should go into full-screen mode and hide your menu bar.
- The Gamma is a little off, making the game a bit darker than
it's supposed to be.
Is this due to the game deliberately altering the gamma? CrossOver Games 7.1 is the first release that has support for letting the game do that, so is this problem new with 7.1?
The first thing to try is any in-game gamma settings.
If you want, you can try the following:
) Quit CrossOver Games
) Launch Terminal (from /Applications/Utilities)
) In the Terminal window, type the following:
defaults write com.codeweavers.CrossOverGames AllowGamma never
) Launch CrossOver Games and retest CoH for the darkness
To undo the above, you would use the following command (when CrossOver Games is not running):
defaults delete com.codeweavers.CrossOverGames AllowGamma
In addition to "never", other valid values for that setting are "fullscreen" (the default) or "always". "fullscreen" means that games may only alter the display gamma when CrossOver is in full-screen mode. "always" means they can alter in in windowed mode, too.