WOT works great all by itself. The new thing is XVM mod. It works 98% of it. They have one part called the VehicleMarkeManager.swf that if you rename it XVM has no issues you just don't get certain things reported or shown. Now the issue is when in game and you get a kill the WOT window close. I tried to debug it and got nothing useful. Itonly does this when you get a kill. Now the XVM mods say it is a font issue which this part uses wingding.ttf and XVMsymbol.ttf . They said change it out with another font in the config. Did that and it did the same thing just closed when I got a kill. I know little to nothing about XVM mod or what the files that swf do per say. I am looking for some help due to there is a rumor that WOT may be putting XVM into a future or near release.
I also replaced the wine wingding.ttf with one from a XP install (copied font folder then installed them through doing
'/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine' '--bottle' 'World_of_Tanks' '--untrusted' '--wait-children' '--' 'cxinstallfonts.exe' ~/.cxoffice/World_of_Tanks/drive_c/windows/fonts/Wingdings.ttf
So that should cover it.