I loved these small footprint, fast loading & free programs when using Windows however when I switched to a Mac 3 months ago I thought the only way to use them was in VMware or Parallels (neither of which I particularly like as memory hoggers). So having just heard about Crossover I downloaded and installed it and then downloaded the .exe files for those two much loved programs.
I am using a MBP 2.66 with 4GB of 1067 Mhz Ram.
I take a lot of photographs and my workflow utilises LR3beta, Elements 4, PS (when I have to) and Bridge. However none of them are exactly small footprint or quick loading. So ....
Faststone Viewer 4.0 - Smooth set up and works absolutely as it did in Windows. Not even noticeably slower. Gold Medal here so far.
Faststone Photo Re-Sizer 2.9 - Again a smooth set up however there are some bugs here. After selecting the folder where the photos you want to resize are stored (and this seemed to be a very slow process) the photo file names are listed but when switching to thumbnail view the photos fail to appear (though the file names are still visible). Highlighting one of the photo names will however show the photo in the Preview. Therefore it is still possible to either select the photos you want to resize using the Preview function or, if you know the file names, just select them and add them to the action list. Thereafter everything works as it does under Windows although maybe a tad slower.
However this program is able to do far more (adding watermarks, adding text, memorising settings, excellent batch renaming and resizing functions, etc. etc.) and has a far wider selection of resizing options than other free resizers for the Mac (iResize and Resizeit) I'll stick with it for the time being !