I'm trying to figure out how to start Crossover's wine using a different Xserver. The reason for this is to narrow down a possible input bug in the latest server build. Quake2 has smooth mouse motion using CrossoverGames 7.2, but using wine-1.1.16 and xorg-server-1.4.2-apple37, the mouse motion is choppy. I want to use CrossoverGames-7.2's wine with my Xserver. I tried the following:
Programs->Run Command->Open Shell
This opened Terminal.app and had DISPLAY set to CrossoverGames' Xserver. I ran:
cd Games/Quake2
/Applications/CrossOver\ Games.app/Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOverGames/bin/wine quake2.exe
Quake2 ran in CrossoverGames' Xserver. I quit it and did:
DISPLAY=:0 # which corresponds to my server. I then attempted the same command but got the following error:
$ /Applications/CrossOver\ Games.app/Contents/SharedSupport/CrossOverGames/bin/wine quake2.exe
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
recursive shutdown
Running 'xterm' reveals that DISPLAY is indeed set correctly.