While Linux Mint 5 is not supported, we have seen some of these errors. The first step is to uninstall and reinstall CrossOver clean (on the premise that perhaps CrossOver was corrupted during download). Next step is to try a different installer... using the deb or rpm, try the loki, using the loki try the deb or rpm, depending on what your specific distro needs. These are all things we would ask you to try if you submitted a ticket with this issue.
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The Fine Print:
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If you are looking for support and cannot file a support ticket (ie, you are a trial user) please, please, please send an email to info@codeweavers.com. We may not be as prompt to respond to emails sent to info@codeweavers.com as we are to tickets, but we do read them all and respond to them all. Sometimes we cannot get to reading all of the forum posts (especially over holidays and weekends, when posts can be made for three nights and two days -Friday, Saturday, Sunday- and we are only here Monday through Friday, there is usually a pile up waiting for us), but it doesn't mean we don't want to help. Ultimately we want you to be happy with our product and if you are not, please bang down our door a bit.
CrossOver can be fully uninstalled by following the steps listed here:
We have tested Linux Mint 5 in house... not extensively. In our tests CrossOver runs decently on it. The biggest issue we see is that it takes extra work to get the menu items to appear. However, your mileage may vary depending on the specifics of your system.