News and Announcements

These days, the combination of CrossOver and all the hard work of our Advocates is amazing. Within 5 minutes, or less, you can easily download and install CrossOver and your favorite Windows application.  But you don't have to buy, install, or hassle with Windows.  It's like playing a game like Call of Duty…

Jeremy White
To Celebrate Linsoft's 10th year in business, CrossOver Linux will be provided FREE on all Linsoft PCs until January 31st, 2011 Read Press Release

Added Support for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm!
also Fixes Steam Overlay
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So we set out to make the newly released Civilization V would work in CrossOver a few weeks back. I felt it was my duty to help the QA staff with the testing. Now, way back in the day, the only time I ever seriously neglected my work, my life, and everything was when Civilization, the original, was released. I…

Jeremy White
Software Developer CodeWeavers Leader Calls Feat “Jack Welchian” as He Awards Himself Honorary Plaque
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Last Friday the Wine Project shipped Wine 1.2. This was the work of 328 people in over 23,000 separate patches over a span of two years. CodeWeavers is proud to be a major part of that effort and we're thrilled to see Wine reach this milestone. This represents a major step forward for Wine; you can see the full…

Jeremy White
"Operation Consolation" Causes CodeWeavers CFO to Choke on a Croissant
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Everyone in the Wine community is driving to release Wine 1.2; the newest and best version of Wine. It's been two years since Wine 1.0, and we've really made huge strides. This version will include the beginnings of genuine 64-bit support, along with major Direct3D improvements, and improvements in a huge number…

Jeremy White
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